We are a manufacturer of precision tube fittings and machined components.
Airdrome Product Catalogs
Precision tube fittings and machined components for military and commercial aircraft, engine, space, and industrial programs.
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We're happy to help you find the right solution. Call one of our locations to speak to one of our experts.
USA: +1 (310) 323-6200
Europe: +33 (0)1 30 79 17 20
Flared Fittings
- Longest History
- Available in wide range of materials
- Controlled sourcing by PRI/NADCAP QML
- Variety of Styles (37°, 60°, double-angle)
- Low to moderate pressure applications

Flareless Fittings
Flareless fittings provide us positive sealing and a high degree of sealing reliability for repeated usage.
- Features Self-Alignment for Positive Sealing
- Controlled Sourcing by PRI/NADCAP QPL
- Available in Wide Range of Materials
- Moderate Pressure Applications
- Compatible with Int. Swage, Ext. Swage, Braze and Weld Systems
- Available in Lightweight Version

Beam Seal Fittings
For beam seal applications please contact us.
- Highest Pressure Applications
- Ease of Installation in Tight Space
- Lightweight
- Compact Design
- Redundant Sealing on Mating Fitting
- Available in Wide Range of Materials
- Compatible with Internal Swage, External Swage and Weld Systems

Externally Swaged
Externally Swaged fittings were designed to permanently assemble fittings onto tubing by crimping (swaging) with swaging (Permaswage) tools.
- Permanent Joint
- Repeatable Process
- Available in Wide Range of Materials
- Low and Moderate Pressure Applications
- Allows for Highest Tube Length Tolerance
- Ease of Installation and Inspection
- Ext-Swage Fittings (rated 3,000 psi)
- Ext-Swage to Boss Adapters (rated 3,000 psi)
- Ext-Swage to 37° Flared Adapters (rated 3,000 psi)
- Ext-Swage to 24° Flareless Adapters (rated 3,000 psi)
- Ext-Swage to Beam Seal Adapters (rated 3,000 psi)
- Ext-Swage Fittings (rated 4,000 psi)
- Ext-Swage to 24° Flareless Adapters (rated 4,000 psi)

Internally Swaged
- Permanent Joint
- Lightweight, Compact Design
- Low and Moderate Pressure Applications
- High Tensile Strength Joint
- Multiple Sealing Points on Tube
- Ease of Installation and Inspection
- Ideal for Tube End Adapters and Sleeves
Braze fitting joints are known to be lightweight, high performance and extremely durable.
- Titanium Alloy:6AL-4V
- Cres: 304 & 21-6-9
Qualifications, Approvals, Programs
- Per 27D0002 & 27D0004 Boeing specifications for "Inch" systems
- Boeing-Douglas MD-xx (all)
- TRW B-747

Orbital Weld
Weld fitting design offers smallest envelope, lightest weight and strongest joint among all other mechanical fitting joints.

Shape Memory
Positive sealing is assured by a constant crimping force of the coupling material over differential tube material resistant strength.
- Materials: Titanium Alloy: 6AL-4V per AMS4965
- Easy to install either in production or field repair.
- No special tooling required.
- Boeing-McDonnell - C-17
- Gulfstream - GIV
- Northrop - B-2
- Per MIL-F-85421 military specification for "Inch" systems
- Per AS4459 SAE specification for "Inch" systems
- Per 37A050 Northrop specification for "Inch" systems

Service Request
Schedule tooling maintenance or installation training from our certified experts.

Authorized distributor for certified tooling trainings, inspections, and repair services.
+1 (516) 333-2121